New brand. Same Company. Bigger vision.

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Show readers why
they should subscribe
Free previews for registered users ensures your content remains secure while providing insight into your audience.
Supercharge your
Online, offline and bundled pricing options allow you to grow revenue and retain your customers longer.
Drive additional
advertising revenue
Detailed readership reporting and optional demographic data make advertising more effective and valuable.

Paywalls allow you make certain areas of your website accessible only to paying subscribers. Create login pages that require visitors to register or subscribe to your publication before viewing premium content.

Valuable insights

Once users login, they can be tracked across your website. Subscription Genius uses big data to provide insight into how visitors are interacting with your website, along with demographic details about every registered subscriber.

Simple setup

Setting up your Paywall couldn't be easier. The Subscription Genius control panel allows you to make all the appropriate decisions right on the page of your site. Just navigate around your website and determine parameters for each page. You can also batch apply settings if you want to save time.

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